Overall objective
The strategic objective of the Department of Environmental Management is to become the leading department in the environmental industry in environmental training, science and technology.
Specific objectives
-Research and technology transfer fields: Focusing on managing and evaluating the current situation of agricultural and rural environment, protecting biodiversity and coping with climate change; applying GIS and remote sensing technology in environment and resource management. The Department focuses on technology transfer through training courses tools in environmental management, GIS, biodiversity conservation, climate change responses and natural disaster mitigation.
-Domestic and international cooperation: Promote cooperation with DONRE, NGOs and International organizations. The Department also develops cooperation in technology activities and transfer with the Center for Agricultural Ecology, the center for natural resources and environment technology, the center for agricultural development. The Department also collaborates with the Institute of Environmental Strategy (IGES), Nagoya University of Japan, Gent University, and Kingdom of Belgium, etc